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Friday, October 25, 2013


I'm kind of failing to get stuff done around here lately, hence the lack of posts. To make matters worse, I feel like I'm coming down with the funk that my boys had/have and my husband is still sick and working a crazy schedule this week. He's off tomorrow (Saturday) and that is a rare treat in his line of work. So maybe, if I nap when the boys go to their Nana's today I can get my mojo back!

How awesome is the "angry Jack Skellington" Pumpkin the hubby carved? I free handed the drawing too! He amazes me often.

On the menu this week:
Apple Stuffed Mini Pumpkins
Bacon and Eggs Breakfast Pies
Apple and Brie Dessert Quesadillas
Chicken Pot Pie Galette
Creamed Honey

I neeeeed this slow cooker in my life! Yes, I have two, one is a huge, magnificent slow cooker with a timer, that was a gift from my Mom in law and an older, small, trustworthy hand-me-down from my Mom. But, every girl needs a pink, Hello Kitty slow cooker doesn't she? No? OK, fine, I just want it.

I'm loving my cute little note book. I have been holding onto this plain little composition notebook for months but wanted to make it cute. I always have three to four notebooks laying around. One for all menus, a small one for when ideas pop up while I'm out, one for work stuff and one for everything else. A couple of evenings ago, I was over doing what I needed to do, picking up toys, wiping noses, washing dishes, explaining why the letter c faces only one way and is wrong written backwards, I needed to do something I wanted to do. I was tired and mentally and creatively blocked. I sat down in the middle of the living room floor while the hubby was sleeping (he worked a couple of third shifts this past week) the baby was napping too and Caleb was at church and the house was quiet for the first time in days. I grabbed my notebook, some washi tape, white paint and Mod Podge. I painted the note book white to block out the pattern and covered with the tape in rows then I coated the whole thing in Mod Podge. You could probably skip that step, I was purposely trying to use up old tape that was losing its stick. I let it dry folded open for a couple of hours and now I have a new cute notebook for recipes! Not what I was planning, but, it is just too cute to use for boring works stuff and to get shredded and tossed when I'm done with it. Now I can write down recipes that I want to refer back to.

My Mom and I just planned the menu for our big Christmas Eve dinner yesterday. Yes, were are way ahead of schedule. We rotate "themes" out each year. One year was all multiple types of lasagna, another year was all chili, we've had traditional southern fried chicken with all the fixins, a fajita bar, the year of multiple soups, one year that was all sandwiches, one that was all appetizers, we've had some major successes and some failures too. No one will let me have a stir fry theme. :( But this year after my little, okay, she's not little in size, she's taller than me but, little as in, more than a decade younger than me, cousin has been begging for the a Taco themed year. We finally gave in, sort of, we are having multiple things from Mexican cuisine. Some authentic Mexican recipes, like the tamales, some not so much, since there will be ground beef and shredded cheddar on the taco bar, along with a ton of other things too. Regardless of what we make I am looking forward to it. But now I have to learn how to make flan, mostly because my other cousin, who's more like a sister, that I call Bob, which is another confusing story, wants flan and I have to make her happy, she's mean! (and she's totally going to read this and send me an ugly text! Hi, Bob! Larry loves you!!!)

Aaaannnnndddd... I just got rambly. Is that a word? Probably not, but I'm tired and have a sinus headache and my husband is at work so he's not here to correct me or laugh and my punch drunk nature. Maybe I should wrap this up and rest so I can finally finish reorganizing my kitchen this afternoon. Literally all of my pots and pans and dishes and blah blah blah are spread out in the kitchen floor, in piles of like items, so that I can find a new way to stay organized. I doubt it will last more than two weeks, but we will see!

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