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Monday, October 14, 2013

DIY Whole Wheat Cake Flour

Have you ever tried to bake a light and fluffy cake with whole wheat flour? If you have, then you know it will turn out a thick, dense, gnarly mess. When presented with the challenge, I knew I'd have to try something new. I did a bit of research, by research I mean, I Googled Whole Wheat Cake Flour, which yielded less than satisfying results.I couldn't find Whole Wheat Pastry Flour in my area and didn't want to pay a batrillion dollars to have it shipped. I did find a recipe for a how-to on making Whole Wheat Cake Flour but it was the basic Cake Flour recipe, but with Whole Wheat Flour and that was not quite what I wanted. Even though adding Cornstarch would lighten it up, you still have those big hearty flakes in the Whole Wheat Flour that make a cake not light and airy, I'm not sure what the opposite of that is... but it makes it that. So I did what I always do when I have a food, style or decorating question, I called my Mom. She reminded me of a conversation we had a long time ago. We contemplated putting the flour in a food processor to see if we could get a finer grain, Dude! light bulb genius moment. I made a basic butter cake for my Strawberry Trifle that was so good! The wheat flour gave the cake the most unique, but in a good way, flavor! I'll be experimenting with this for sure.

To make your own Whole Wheat Cake Flour:
1 cup of Whole Wheat Flour, minus 2 tablespoons
2 tablespoons of cornstarch

Combine both ingredients in a food processor and process on medium for several minutes stopping occasionally to scrap down sides. Once the flour has been ground down to a finer texture, sift through a fine mesh strainer to catch any large pieces that didn't break down in the food processor. Then use like you would any all purpose white flour or white cake flour.

I even sifted in baking powder and salt and made it self rising and the cake came out beautifully. And according to my family, AMAZEBALLS!

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